Category Archives: Linux
FOSS in the workplace: FAIL x 3
While I run Linux on the servers and IT workstations, I’m always looking for opportunities to deploy the OS and FOSS in general in a “user” context. I’ve made three attempts that all failed: The Web Browser: after an employee … Continue reading
Dare I abandon the desktop?
Using the spoils from the 2007 holiday season, I built a solid workstation/gaming system that has carried me through 2008. The vital statistics: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ 2 GB RAM GeForce 7600 GS (512 MB) Dual boot Ubuntu (64-bit) … Continue reading
How to copy email to DreamHost with imapsync
I recently had need to move my email from a VPS to my DreamHost account. I thought I could simply use Thunderbird to copy the folders, but that process didn’t work very well. The DreamHost wiki has an article about … Continue reading
Precipice of Darkness and 64-bit Ubuntu 8.04
I was very excited to see that Penny Arcade‘s new game, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness (Episode One), was available for Linux. My excitement blossomed further when I found that the game came with an innovative mini-game. The mini-game … Continue reading
Flash with 64-bit Firefox on openSUSE 10.3
I wrote about how I got Flash working with 64-bit Firefox on openSUSE 10.2, but I had to briefly struggle with it again on openSUSE 10.3. In this version of the distribution, I was pleased to find that nspluginwrapper was … Continue reading
The ghost of 64-bit flash
I really thought we were past the point when a major browser plugin would fail to work on Linux. But once again this nearly unheard of “64-bit” technology is causing incompatibility problems on my favorite OS. I guess it has … Continue reading
A low point for HighPoint RocketRAID
Alternate title: How kernel module sata_mv held my arms behind my back while module hptmv punched me in the balls. Upgrading a database server from SuSE 9.1 to openSUSE 10.2, I wasn’t really worried. We had nearly a terabyte of … Continue reading
Kubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn and the Treo 650
In a previous post I described my experience with getting the Treo 650 talking to SuSE 10.0 OSS. Now that I’ve switched to Kubuntu I need to mention a few things. This Ubuntu page was a major help for me. … Continue reading
Kubuntu 7.04 versus the KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2530DL
Konica Minolta supplies Linux drivers for the magicolor 2530DL on their website. I thought maybe I would be able to install these drivers on a Linux system, connect to the printer over the network, and have everything Just WorkTM. I … Continue reading
How to convert Micosoft Outlook .msg files
The hatred that I have toward Microsoft is a screaming inferno that wells from the core of my body and projects outward through the cosmos. The heat of this burning anger is not decreased when I am faced with a … Continue reading