How to install Opera on amd64 Ubuntu

Specifically I am working with Kubuntu 7.10 (Gusty Gibbon).

Problem: You are running the amd64 version of Ubuntu, but Opera does not appear to offer 64-bit versions of their software.

Solution: Use the latest build of Opera 9.5 (Kestrel) which I believe is currently in beta status. Here is how:

  1. Go to the Opera Desktop Team blog
  2. On the right sidebar under “LATEST SNAPSHOTS”, click the one for UNIX
  3. Go to the x86_64-linux/ directory
  4. Download the opera .deb package
  5. sudo dpkg --install opera*.deb

Explanation: I’m not sure why Opera tucks the 64-bit versions away instead of including them on their user-friendly download page. I know this newfangled 64-bit technology is akin to some incomprehensible alien FTL space drive, but these processors have been out for several years.

During my web searching, I had to filter through a number of hacky solutions that all involved shoehorning the 32-bit version of Opera into the 64-bit OS. At last I saw a forum post where someone linked to an Opera FTP directory containing 64-bit packages. Hopefully my solution describes how to get the latest and greatest 64-bit Opera for Ubuntu – at least until Opera finally offers it officially.

UPDATE: as the disclaimers suggest, the development builds of Opera are not entirely stable. My favorite “known issue” is this:

  • Plug-ins crash Opera on UNIX/Linux.

Maybe it’s time to try stapling the 32-bit version onto my system…

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5 Responses to How to install Opera on amd64 Ubuntu

  1. iSplicer says:

    Thanks, this helped me. Cheers

  2. nareshov says:

    Hi, I’ve been using these weekly builds for some time now.
    It’s highly unstable and crashes on most moinmoin based wiki’s (Ubuntu’s, for instance) and although plugins seem to work for me it’s kind of unpredictable, it crashes on random sites without a warning. Heck, it even crashed on Opera’s bug-report wizard page! xD

  3. theoden says:

    Agreed, the builds are definitely not stable. I’m having some success with the 20080327.2 build, but I still encounter plenty of crashes and freezes. Looking forward to the day when Opera gets 9.50 under control for this architecture.

  4. michael says:

    Thanks for that link. Was most chagrined to see the “Wrong architecture (i386)” error message!

  5. masdeb says:

    Thanks a lot! I install Ubuntu-9.10 amd64 (Linux mas-laptop 2.6.31-5-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP Sat Aug 1 12:47:58 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux) on HP dv5t then follow your link to install opera ALL OK.

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